So it is almost 2009--ten years past partying like it was 1999. That's a bit scary. Just saying.
In my head I've been going over what I've done this past year and I do have to say that I am happy with it all. I began 2008 having just turned 30 and really wanted to get my act together so my 30s would not be so hectic as my 20s. When I turned 20 I went and got my tongue pierced. I also jumped out of an airplane, drove 1/2 way across the country with some friends, had a lot of fun with substances as only a 20-year old could, and picked up my second major in college. I guess the decade mark affects me more than I thought.
What did I do with 2008 (and 30)? I ran a half marathon, a series of road races in the dead of winter, completed an International Distance triathlon, ran a full marathon, lost 30 pounds, applied and was accepted into a second graduate program, successfully created a garden from scratch, coached a youth cheerleading team, and adopted two kittens.
Now with 2009 looming and 31 just settling in, I think that I need to do just that--settle into my life. I will still be running marathons (hopefully Boston in April), but I will be in school again one class at a time, and still working on my house, and trying to figure out (still) what the point of it all is. I think that 2009 will be a year of reflection in itself. My life reflecting forward. You are your actions, and the one resolution I plan to have this year is to be fully behind all my actions. Held responsible, thoughtful at all times, and knowing that everyone person that I have in my life is there for a reason.
5 years ago