I've been doing some online shopping recently. Just the basics really. Checkbooks, glasses, blinds, and a new lunch box for my son. But because I've been shopping, I'm starting to see some catalogs come in. Yesterday I got the fall JCrew "lookbook". I glanced through it this morning to see if I need anything from it. Their clothes are pretty expensive and thankfully there was only one piece I would consider (I love their boat neck shirts!). But just looking through it made me really happy about one thing. Not having time to do my hair each morning. It appears that messy is OK.
I am going to copy the models of JCrew and not brush my hair. Instead I'll continue to wear it up in a messy bun and believe that I am glamorous.
Thank you JCrew for not photoshopping the flyaways on your models. It makes me feel like your clothes are normal, even if I think $150 is way way way too much for a button down shirt.
5 years ago